The project Manu'a Expedition is born with an unusual encounter between the Ushuaia’s film director (french TV shows) inbetween shootings, a Vendée Globe sailor seeking for new adventures and a biologist of high standing, transitting between conferences spread around the world.
This is about travelling and exploring the whole world on a large sailing boat, for a journey of five years or more, looking for Happiness, a catch-all term that will need to be precisely defined.
Manu’a expedition crew would be made of highly experienced sailors, but also of picture specialists, photographers, film makers or editors able to spread to a large audience the expression of every kind of happiness.
The boat would welcome scientists, all disciplines taken together, in order to observe and understand what mechanism enables all living being to live in harmony within its environnement. We would be focused on humans, but also on the specific fauna and flora of those environnements.
What is Happiness? Can we measure it? What are the most relevant factors for Happiness? Is there several Happinesses? What dependency define the relationships between the components of an ecosystem? Can Happiness be transmitted from one generation to another? Is or Isn’t Happiness a factor for development?
Manu’a expedition team will have to answer those questions among many others. The social, economical and health issues of the very large « Happiness » subject are at the epicenter of many reflexions among world citizens. That is confirmed by the amount of serious studies led across the globe; though none of them, as far as we know, have considered every components of the Happiness system taken together on the same territory.
This is what Manu’a wants to explore : by focusing on islands, which are small but very complicated systems, with their batch of economical, social, climate and ethnic differences. Though it will also consider continental studies taken as comparison.
Those studies will highlight new technologies and artificial intelligence.
This is one of the key word of the Manu’a Expedition project : to share. A beautiful journey around the world, unusual places, magnificent pictures of our planet, a directive line full of optimism, happiness. This could have been the place for a fairy tale.
Our ambition is to share this adventure with the greatest number, to generate flow on social medias, to tell beautiful stories, to make uncommon movies. 365 days a year, the details of the trip will be shared. For every visited place, a short film will be made and every year, conferences will be organized all around the world : there will be presented longer movies and the latest updates of our work.
We will ask the help of the schools and universities of the visited countries, and the whole scientific community.
Thereby, we’re hoping that this ambitious project could lead toward some change in everyone’s way of life.
General quarters and mobile studio
A maximum length of 80 feet to ease logistics
Simple, fast and reliable
Able to welcome ten people
Welcoming audiovisual equipment, a small lab, snorkling, climbing and trekking equipment, satellite connexion...
Une cambuse de qualité
The communication team
Scientific direction
Audiovisual direction
A lecture theater